Authenticity Guarantee
As a B2C luxury marketplace, PARIS DELUXE is committed to selling authentic products sourced directly from authorized and reputable dealers. Our highest priority is to ensure maximum customer satisfaction by operating with a zero-tolerance policy towards counterfeit, fake, or replica goods. Thus, all of the products featured in our portfolio come with the ASSURANCE OF AUTHENTICITY. All 6,000+ items from 95+ haute couture brands come with original tags and boxes.
At PARIS DELUXE we guarantee that all items offered on our platform are 100% AUTHENTIC. We have personally visited and vetted every dealer on our website. On rare occasions if any issues occur we will either work on your behalf to solve the problem with our dealers or refund you immediately.
By offering the chance to shop for an unrivalled range of premium fashion items from over 75+ haute couture brands at the best wholesale prices, PARIS DELUXE is the most trusted and reliable global online luxury fashion marketplace.